"OUR Mission" Is No Game

The image at right
is a virtual flyover Sydney...
... See a resemblance to Milwaukee?

Someone tagged it under "mission".
Perhaps a flying simulation. But OUR mission in Christ is no game.

No pastor should stand for that.

Years ago, my days were filled by thinking alongside urban church pastors, and their neighborhood dynamics. Pretty chaotic, some of those ministry settings. To stay there and stay effective, churches had to stay on their toes -and on their knees.

Our ten-year-old loved computer games. Remember SimCity? Well, not being your average lad, he had this software concept for something called SimMinistry.

His idea was to introduce some critical facts and problems into a virtual ministry setting, then allow leaders-in-training to imagine how they might "win" a neighborhood--whatever obstacles they might have thrown at them along the way.

Out of the mouth of babes!  And yet... Every church has to engage their neighborhood and it's reality.  We ask how the church will be involved in church planting, not if.

Every church planter needs a Sending Church. Now churches that are still church plants have stepped up to that! Did they fail to count the cost?  No. It's simply not a game for them.

They see their daughter churches
 extending their own church's life and witness. 

They see the cost of NOT leading... 
when Christ called the church to go.

Here are some do-able steps 
you can propose to help your church
become a sending or supporting church.

  • Make sure your church has a relationship to the planter and his family.  Also, expect the planter & church plant to relate often to your church!

  • Organize focused prayer for them at church-- and the communities in needPrayer walk and visit some in that neighborhood with them as possible.
  • Commission them to their ministry in a special worship service.
  • Train and apprentice the church plant's church workers.  Helping a church with pointers on essential church policy is extremely helpful too!

  • Intentionally send some "leaders on loan" for a season: maybe 6-12 months.
  • Let your church handle some occasional baby-sitting to help with small group ministries, or special events.
  • Provide volunteer help for VBS, block parties, and youth. Get your church plant involved in helping your church do joint-ministry and mission!
  • Purchase Bibles, materials, software, nursery supplies, or a sound system.
  • Give monthly support for your planter and your daughter church. Be as generous as you know the Lord would have you be.

Be a model of great hospitality.  Take your church planter out, or have the family over for a meal from time to time. 

*        Have questions or ideas to improve on the above? We welcome comments!
